
Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Inter-schools Rippa Rugby

Today was the Rippa Rugby and Rugby inter-schools. This event was held at Dunkirk reserve across the road. We only had four games because two schools pulled out of the competition. I was a sub in the first game but I didn't mind. I had fun cheering on the people from both teams while I was watching from the side line. Our first competition was against Pt England. It was a tough challenge but unfortunately we lost 1-9 We had a 25 minute break before our next game against Glen Ines we unfortunately lost that game as well. Determined to win our third game we practice things that we are doing wrong while we are playing. We practised spreading out, passing into open space and calling out the names of our team mates. As we get ready to play against Tamaki school we have a little pep talk about what we had just learned. We had a great time playing but we lost that game as well. I cannot remember the score to that game but I know it as a close one. Our last and final game was against Glen brae school. This game was really close but we lost this game. We might have lost every game but we all had fun. In Rippa you just have to rip the tags on the side of the person body. 

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